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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Poor Man's Psychotherapist by Jo LeGall

Church is like a psychotherapist's couch. It is the reason why the majority of non-practising individuals of certain religions do not attend church every single day. They do not need therapy.
Most people go for the solace, the comfort of the congregation, to visit family they have not seen all week and to hear positive reinforcement that their lives are on the right track. When the confession box was invented, the first psychotherapist went on duty. The thing about therapy is that the therapist never gets personally involved in our problems. The questions asked are to turn folks around to confront their emotions, recognise the source in order to change the behaviour themselves.
Before there were actual licensed therapists, and very close neighbours, people found therapy through confession and prayer. Today those who can't afford therapy, go to church. Regardless of religion, or lack of one, everyone has a pseudo therapist or an actual one if you can afford it. I have had many people give me their testimony on when they found God and were saved. There was always some traumatic event in their lives, they went to church, talked through their fears, insecurities, doubts etc through prayer and instantly felt better.
There are thousands and perhaps millions of people like him attending church this way; gone until the next traumatic event, until church becomes an addiction. Until they only attend because its like a cooling Dermoplast spray on an underlying emotional infection. Nothing has been worked through and they begin to abuse the prescription; the Bible. They will find verse after verse to validate the negative emotions rather than confront, comfort and change their own behaviour. This happens to everyone, including Atheists, with whatever prescription they were given, even the prescription of friendship.
Everyone has a friend who only calls to vent about emotional traumas yet disappears whenever we call for their support. They have prescribed us to themselves. A fair weather friend we call them, only around when they need us. We cannot bear to tell them that whom they should have issue with is themselves as it is much easier for them to feel anger and vent at those who trigger these emotions than find out why they feel that way and what steps they could take to alter their own behaviour.
They wish to have us validate the negative emotions by showing disgust at the object of their anger and quickly wish to know whose side we are on if we try to be the voice of reason and point out their bit of responsibility. Rage is bad for not only our emotional but physical well being and it does take two to dissolve lots of boundaries. If I were being an ass, I would prefer to be told so.
I will begrudge no one their method of therapy, as therapy is simply a compassionate ear we speak out loud to without the fear of judgment. Yes, even religion, as most believe before they start that they will be forgiven. There would be no need to confess if forgiveness and absolution of self were not provided. So I do not begrudge anyone therapy, whether it is through religion, nature or medicine via a licensed therapist.
I've spoken to some pretty hostile folks online and in person. Religious, non-practising and atheists. The ones who have somewhat of a handle on their emotional well being, after you've listened compassionately to whatever trauma caused their negative viewpoint, will finally face their feelings instead of avoiding the emotions they could not handle previously by sticking to the comfort of negative emotions such as; anger, fear, disgust, distrust and rage. Grief will do that to people, and these people are grieving. Whether it was for a life they will now never have, a childhood, a marriage, grandchildren, a friendship, or a death, they have not gotten past the first two stages; shock/denial, and anger.
We have the same reaction of shock, disbelief and then the realisation that the person we are speaking to is so locked into the emotional state they were in when whatever traumatic event changed their lives that they cannot hear a single word we are saying. Also, regardless of whether it is a licensed therapist, the parish priest or the pastor of their church a person can only be healed, or to use a religious term, saved, only if they are willing to face themselves.
I once told a man who gave me his testimonial on being saved that I see things differently from other people. I'm an introvert. I do not need the congregation since I find people mentally exhausting and I do not need a compassionate ear as I work through my emotions via writing. Once said, or written, in the open it shines a light on our fears and insecurities so we see they are not the big bogeyman we thought they were. I understand why many go to church, why many do not go to church, and why many do not believe in God/Allah/Buddha/Mother Earth or whatever name another's deity has. Why do so many need others to join their way of thinking in order to further validate their viewpoint?
My problem with any of the theisms and atheism is that everyone believes they are right. There is no right way for everyone to be counseled. Counseling can only be beneficial and effective from an individual standpoint. One type of therapy does not work for all. It is one of the reasons why the religious views on my profile states: None.

1 comment:

  1. Great post yet again Jo! Thanks for sharing. Yet again you hit the nail on the head. So much insight in your posts here. You have a very wise, old soul!
