- Run-off Election: Nov. 2, 2010
- Contribution Limit: None
Victoria Kolakowski, a lawyer with a strong background as an LGBT civil rights advocate, is running for a seat on Superior Court of Alameda County, California. If she wins, Victoria will become America’s first openly transgender judge.
While her win will be historic, Victoria’s desire to become a judge is about continuing her impressive public service. She began her law career in the late eighties and practiced law until the late nineties. She has served on numerous boards and acted as general counsel for the California Electricity Oversight Board. She was a founding board member and officer of California Alliance for Pride and Equality, now known as Equality California. Kolakowski also helped draft Berkeley’s domestic partnership registry ordinance and helped multiple cities implement benefits and protections for domestic partnerships.
Help this qualified, committed legal professional become a judge by contributing to her campaign today.
Give online today or write checks to: Kolakowski for Judge 2010
If elected, Victoria would be the country's first openly transgender judge.
But transgender men and women are under attack in this country from extremists who use horrific language to demonize them.
One blogger even called Victoria a "female impersonator" who has had "His normal, healthy Male Genitals Mutilated in to a grotesque mockery of the opposite gender."
Join us in standing up for Victoria right now. Help her win this close election and show the bigots that our hope can triumph over their fear.
Victoria Kolakowski Alameda County Superior Court Judge, California Learn more and Contribute |