The crude, offensive and unfunny parody drew heat from gay rights activists last week and the result is that New York's most notorious fans decided they won't be singing the song toward Texas Rangers fans at Game 3 of the ALCS on Monday.
Or ever again, for that matter.
From the New York Daily News:
"After a meeting on the subject, several core Creatures agreed to police their own area and put an end to the tradition, which had upset many fans.
"'It's all done," said one long-time Creature, who had never participated in the ritual. 'All of it. We're going clean. We didn't like the way the Bleacher Creatures were being looked at. That's not us.'"Better late than never, I guess. If you watch even one of the YouTube videos on the rendition (warning: graphic), it's unbelievable that the song was even sung in public and toward others once, let alone dozens of times a year over recent seasons. The sight of such ignorant Bronx blockheads screaming lyrics I can't even print here is stomach turning — especially when a pair of teenagers are the targets of their abuse, like in the video linked above.
There's no doubt that a majority of Yankees fans agree with me and it's nice to hear their fanbase won't be embarrassed like that any more.
Even better, of course, is stopping such a hostile "tradition" in the right field bleachers.
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