Can't help myself when I break out into hysterical laughter every time a serious scholar might mention that a historical figure might be from the LGBT community. Why? 'Cause you can count on an uproar from historians, religious zealots and just plain bigots proclaiming how awful that anyone would think that such a beloved figure can be 'that way.' Now, in my book claiming someone to be gay is the highest compliment possible. In addition, it might add to our knowledge of the historical figure, their gifts and journey.
The mid-nineteenth century must have been a gay old time in politics. President James Buchanan almost certainly was a homosexual. Everyone knows of his story about his lover Vice President Rufus King (under President Millard Fillmore) who was the confirmed bachelor President's 'long time companion.' The two were so close that President Jackson used to call Buchanan "Nancy Buchanan" and King (photograph) was known around Washington as "Aunt Fancy." Their letters back and forth reveal a great love story.
Of course following President Buchanan into the White House was honest Abe the first Republican President. When the initial stories started to arise about the possibility that Lincoln might be gay, I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. I was too quick to do so. There appears to be substantial and serious evidence that minimally Lincoln was a bi-sexual. Among the many anecdotes is the one that has him sharing a bed with a military aide in the White House. The howls of protest from both scholars and bigots alike have to be amusing to many of us. After all, so what if Lincoln was gay or bisexual? It is not like we are accusing him of being a mass murderer or stealing the people's money. What it means that there is a side of Lincoln that scholars should not be afraid to explore. This information will enlighten us on the role that his sexuality play in creating his considerable gifts. Maybe the "Great Emancipator" wanted some freedom himself.
The great homosexual chaser J. Edgar Hoover has turned out to be gay. The hero of every anti-communist in America and an icon to Conservatives had a long time affair and lived with Clyde Tolson. They are buried side by side in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C. You can't help but wonder if this Conservative hero would be allowed to adopt a child in today's world or even be able to get federal insurance or a pension for his partner Clyde. Maybe J. Edgar and Clyde would have had a lovely wedding in Washington, D.C. now that we have marriage equality there. Wouldn't that be amazing.
The list from history goes on and on. Some have proclaimed Jesus was a gay man. Now to be honest, I sure hope that this man of love and peace was gay. It would explain a lot of mystery surrounding his life. His selflessness and his devotion to those oppressed by others. Whether it is great icons, writers, warriors, scientists or scholars, the only thing of interest if they were a member of the LGBT community is that it sheds light and knowledge on their journey.
The time has long passed for historians to stop avoiding this issue in their scholarship. They are afraid of the uproar and they worry more about their book sales than the truth. They should all relax, chill and learn. Now about that member of the Royal family who is.........
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