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Monday, June 20, 2011

Marriage Battle: Keep A Cool Head, Show Sheer Determination And Be Polite!

Gay-marriage-nyBy David Mixner -

Well, marriage equality is at our doorstep. It is up to us to allow it to enter with all the glory it deserves. The next two days are simply the most crucial in the history of New York LGBT history since Stonewall. On Wednesday we might wake up living in one of the "free states" joining Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Washington, D.C . Can't even imagine personally what that might feel like. All I know is that I want to experience that feeling.
What we do the next two days could make the difference between victory and defeat. Most importantly we must approach these days with a cool head, sheer determination and always graciousness to our foes. Rudeness, self-righteousness or arrogance can only cost us votes. Put on the mantel of a victor and act if it is true. There is no room for mistakes in this close vote. Our tone and attitude could make the difference.
So, what do we do the next two days?
First and foremost, we don't give up. No matter how tired we are of the battle and how many times we have called and emailed, do it again and again.
Second, if you have time, staff the phone banks in Times Square and your local area. Third, ask for their vote and demand that there be a vote.
Fourth, feel pride at our long struggle, peace that we have done everything possible and strength from each other.
I would go on longer but I have emails to send and calls to make. Love you all.

For more from David visit Live from Hell's Kitchen.

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