Just as we did almost one year ago with then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), activists are staging a sit-in inside the district office of Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) right this minute. As Boehner's constituents, they're angry that he's pursuing anti-LGBT legislation at the expense of jobs. As Americans, they're angry that our elected officials are spending time to continue writing discrimination into the law of the land, rather than getting people employed, fed, sheltered, healthy, safe, and educated.
As we gear up to launch some exciting new game-changing programs over the next two years, continuing to apply pressure to elected officials like we are today, we need to make sure we are able to fully fund our projects –- and we need your ongoing support to make that happen.
Over the next 12 days -- starting with today's sit-in at Speaker Boehner's office -- we are launching a GetEQUAL monthly membership drive. We've set an aggressive goal of finding 365 supporters who are willing to donate $15.00 per month (that's just 50 cents a day) to help sustain GetEQUAL's work nationally and on the state level. We know that sounds like a lot, but it's one dinner out, a few coffees a month, or the cost of a John Boehner spray tan to arm us with the tools we need to fight for our collective equality!
Why are monthly gifts so important? Because it allows us to plan farther out and organize larger, more aggressive actions – knowing the funding will already be there. Monthly gifts also free up our small staff's time to focus more on creating actions and launching new and aggressive programs. The other great news about this drive is that any monthly gift will be matched for the first six months by a group of our strongest supporters!!
Can we count you in to give $15.00 per month to give us the tools to grow and take even more actions over the next two years? We need to make sure we have the resources to support all the incredible organizers out there who will continue to take action until we're fully equal!
Thank you so much for your support -- we look forward to taking more action in more places with more people throughout the course of the year!
Get Out! Get Active! GetEQUAL!
The GetEQUAL Team (Robin, Heather, Michelle, Dan, and John)

Just another childish publicity stunt to raise money. GetEqual sent emails today looking for 400 people to donate $15/month so they can engage in more unproductive stunts.
ReplyDeleteI think the LGBT community understand these self-serving publicity stunts ($100,000 a year salaries) do not change any minds or votes, they just make us look stupid. Religiously-infected Boehner isn't going to change because a few misfits won't leave his office. It's childish.
If you want to make a difference, try conversation instead of confrontation. It's more difficult than parading around with clever signs or hndcuffing yourself to a fence, but IT WORKS.