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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gay rugby star Gareth Thomas says film will ‘help millions’

Gareth Thomas will be the subject of a film by Mickey Rourke
Gareth Thomas has revealed more about the film to be made of his life.
The rugby player, who came out a year ago, remains the only top level out gay sportsman in Britain today.
Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke recently announced plans to make a film about the player’s battle with his sexuality.
According to the South Wales Echo, Thomas told Rugby World magazine: “Mickey loves rugby and admires rugby people; the fact you then drink beer in the bar with the guy you’ve just tried to smash.
“He’s always wanted to make a movie based on rugby but he needed a person or character to revolve it around. He read my story and got in touch.”
Rourke says he plans to portray Thomas and the player said: “Some people have said he’s too old to play me at 58 but I think he’s the best man to play me.”
“My story comes from the inside,” he added. “It’s not a visual thing, and if anyone can play someone from the inside out it’s Mickey Rourke.
“I don’t know how to make a movie but I know how my life has been and I want it to be as true as possible.”
However, he added that he was not looking forward to returning to the “dark” place he was in before.
“It needs regression from me, which I’m not looking forward to but it’s something I’ve got to do,” he said.
“The truth is I don’t want to go back. I’ve moved so far forward and it’s something so dark I don’t want to go back there.
“It’s hard to even think about it now because it’s like I’ve put a brick wall up and unless I push really hard it won’t fall down.
“I want to write it myself as I don’t want to miss a part of it.”
Thomas, who has become a fixture in anti-homophobia campaigns in sport, added: “I don’t want to do it but it’s important that I do to help other people.
“If my life in the newspapers can help people, my life on screen can help millions more because it’s far easier to relate to something on screen.”
