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Saturday, December 18, 2010

BREAKING: Senate repeals DADT

The Senate just voted to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Repeal of DADT is just one of the things that GetEQUAL sees as a priority in order to work toward full legal and social equality. Far from being a lobbying group or political insiders, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to smash down the walls of discrimination and inequality that surround us. Yes, that includes military discrimination -- but it includes so many other things, as well.
Today, we honor those who have taken action with GetEQUAL over the past nine months, knowing that we need many more to join them. Please join us in honoring them -- and by reaffirming your own commitment to work toward a day in which we are all equal.
Sign the thank you page here!

We will continue this work as we turn the corner into 2011, and we hope you will continue this work with us. Today was a historic day, but by no means is it the end. We will move forward with pride, with urgency, with ferocity -- and without fear.
Get Out! Get Active! GetEQUAL!
Robin McGehee
Director, GetEQUAL
P.S. -- Do you want to celebrate in community with other activists? We're holding an open conference call at 9pm ET/6pm PT tonight -- no real agenda...just celebration! Join us by signing up at See you there!
P.P.S. -- Make no mistake -- there is still work ahead to finally and fully repeal DADT. There is a 60-day waiting period, during which soldiers can still be discharged under the policy. Then President Obama, Secretary of Defense Gates, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen all have to sign off on repeal. And even then, we still have to fight for a non-discrimination policy, adequate training, and a reasonable implementation process. The work continues, but please join us in celebrating today's historic vote!
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