In December 2010, the Family Research Council (FRC) was placed on Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) list of Hate Groups. In amongst 932 designated active hate groups in the United States which include: neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Black Separatists, Racist Skinheads, Holocaust Deniers, Neo-Confederates, Anti-Immigrationists and Anti-Gay groups, there is listed the Family Research Council.
Eighteen of SPLC’s Hate Groups are anti-gay. For absolute clarity, deeming homosexuality as “unbiblical” will not earn an organization a spot on the Hate Groups list. But, continuous dissemination of known falsehoods and the repeated, groundless demonizing of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people will score a group an uncoveted position on the list.

Here are the top ten myths and lies presented by FRC, CWA, AFA and NOM, (I won’t even touch Scott Lively’s ramblings here. Read the blogpost . He is widely agreed to be in the same special grouping with the Westboro Baptist Church). I follow each lie with a short commentary and link to where I have written about that topic in the past.
1. People make a choice to be gay. If you know any/many GLBT people and you have listened to them, you would not entertain this statement as true. This is a pivotal statement used by anti-gay groups all the time. It is simple and it is powerful. Here is why. If being GLBT is a choice, then it is a conduct. Conduct is not protected by law. But, a class of people, a status of people, is protected by law. If these conservative groups can get us to believe that being GLBT is a choice, then they can hope to withhold civil rights from gay/trans people. Again, conduct is not protected but classes of people are protected.

Forget all the myths and bigotry some groups will use to discriminate against GLBT people, the Supreme Court (and every recognized American medical, counseling and psychiatric group) understands that homosexuality/transgenderness is not a choice. They are a class or status of people. With that designation, equality will come.
I find it exceedingly sad that the State is leading the charge for social justice when God told His people over 2,700 years ago in the book of Isaiah to “spend” themselves on justice issues. (Isaiah 58: 6-12) The courts are now leading the way to end this inequality. It should have been Christians churches. We have been here before on the issues of equality for women and Black Americans. God help us; Your people betrayed a mandate and used Your name to validate discrimination.
2. People become homosexual because they were sexually abused as children or had distant father/over bearing mother or some variation on bad parenting. GLBT children are no more abused or subject to poor role models than heterosexual children. Fifteen to twenty five percent of all girls were sexually abused and seven to fifteen percent of all boys. There is no scientific evidence to link abuse and orientation. None. This myth has burdened parents of GLBT children with a guilt and shame that they somehow caused their children’s orientation. Shame and blame. And, a lie.

I have personally interviewed both of them (Michael Bussee and Darlene Bogle) and this reparative sex industry is a sham and a money machine. It does not work. I do not know one, not one person who has changed sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Not one. Have there been cases where some sexual abuse caused a skewed sexual view that was corrected? Sure. I would place that in the less than 1% realm. Go to Beyond Ex-Gay and Box Turtle Bulletin for reparative therapy stories. The leaders of ex-gay ministries will never say you can change orientation; they appear to say that, but listen. They even know it is a lie.
4. Efforts to change someone’s sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual are not harmful nor unethical. Oh really? Being GLBT is a status, not a behavior or “lifestyle” (this word drives me batty!). Constant pressure to change the core of a person is a violation of humanity and it is an abuse. Telling someone who is same-sex attracted that they must change who they are to be acceptable to family, society, God is harmful and unethical.
Ask an alcoholic or drug addict to get clean and you will see benefit. Ask an adulterer to stop cheating and you see benefit. Go on and on down the list of “bad behaviors” and encourage folks to eliminate them and you will see life and good. Then, apply this “you must change your orientation” attitude and dictate to a GLBT person, and you will see loneliness, depression, isolation and shame. I am sure people are well intentioned in wanting others to change and live “the good life” of heterosexuality. I could not change my orientation, yet, we ask others to change theirs. For our good. For their destruction.

I have specifically and intentionally spent time with my GLBT friends and their children to observe. As a mother of two grown children (both straight), I am impressed with what I have seen. GLBT people do not want to destroy family, they want to create it, with their kids and with the tossed away kids.
7. Homosexuals are more likely to molest children than heterosexuals. This lie can make a person crazy because it is such an offensive lie. This repeated nonsense has damaged relationships of GLBT people within their families and extended families. “Don’t let Aunt Lesbian near the kids and surely not Uncle Gay. They will touch our kids inappropriately and use them sexually.” Molestation of children is NOT an issue of orientation. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Molestation of children is about being attracted to a child’s age, not gender of the child or the abuser. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

8. Homosexuals are not seriously disadvantaged by discrimination. GLBT couples are denied 1,138 rights that a married heterosexual couple enjoys under the law. They are discriminated against in the military, in families, in churches and in society. That appears to be pretty serious disadvantage to me. Imagine, 1,138 rights denied a GLBT couple that wants to commit to love and marriage and cannot. Count to 1,138 and ask yourself: is this not discrimination?
9. Homosexuals are less likely to enter into a committed relationship, less likely to be sexually faithful to a partner, even if they have one, and are less likely to remain committed for a lifetime, than are heterosexuals. Chicken or egg? Tell people they are less-than and see what you get. Marriage is an institution in which couples establish state protected, church ordained, committed relationships. And it is denied to GLBT people. Take away marriage from heterosexual couples and imagine the results. Oh, we have that, heterosexual people living together. They don’t seem to have the success rate of marriage. Serial heterosexual monogamy.
Marriage brings protection, a stronger bond of commitment and the support of family and a community. GLBT people do not enjoy the security of legal marriage in all 50 states. They do not grow up thinking “who will I marry?”. Why bother, it is not a reality (yet). So, even when we do extend the right to marry to GLBT people, there will be a season of transition. And, in time, there will be the similar percentages of success/failure in same-sex marriages as in heterosexual marriages.

Lies are evil. Lies breed fear. Myths about people or groups become the basis for forming ideology about others. We have done it to Native Americans, immigrants over our own history, the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, the Jews, the Africans, the Mexicans, the Muslims, the Russians, the “others”. On and on. If we repeat the myth enough, maybe it will gain muddy traction and stick. This is what FRC and other Hate Groups do so well. They demonize the gay community. I think they actually believe they are good and fighting the good fight and hanging on to all that is sacred and holy. But, they are lying. That is discrimination. And, while they are doing it, they are causing destruction, that is hate. Maybe the public backlash of being designated a Hate Group will shame them to reassess their message.

Family Research Council, you should be more concerned about where you are on God’s list of naughty or nice, sheep or goats. And Southern Poverty Law Center, thank you, really . . . thank you.