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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chely Wright's Coming Out Documentary 'Wish Me Away' Premieres Next Month

By On Top Magazine Staff -

A film documenting the coming out gay experience of country music singer Chely Wright will premiere next month.
Wish Me Away will have its world premiere on April 15 at the Nashville Film Festival, which runs from April 14 to 21. (A trailer for the movie is embedded in the right panel of this page.)
The movie was produced and directed by Bobbie Birleffi and Beverly Kopf, who together run TVGals Media.
“The train has left the station,” the women wrote in announcing the premiere of their film.
“We are thrilled to tell you that the world premiere of Wish Me Away will take place in Nashville, Tennessee,” they added. “We cannot overstate the significance of Chely's bravery and triumphant return to the city that made her dreams come true, but at a great cost.”
Last year, Wright told People magazine that she's a lesbian.
The 40-year-old singer has recently fought back against suggestions that her high-profile announcement was more a fan grab than a soul cleansing.
“They're wrong,” Wright told lesbian website “There's the gay community that now knows my name and it's a long leap from the new demographic of people who will come to my Facebook page and hit the 'Like' button to them buying my record and coming to live shows. It's a big stretch from those new fans to make up for the fans I lost. It didn't help my career. My record sales went directly in half. If it appears from the outside in that it's helped my career, it could be because I haven't talked about the negative. You won't hear me bitching and moaning on my Facebook about the hate mail I've gotten. My life has been threatened. I get nasty letters every day, 'I'm through with you Chely Wright, you're going to hell.'”
“In coming out I had a feeling that it would diminish my wage earning, and that feeling was correct. And, I am fine with that,” she added.
