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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

EQUALITY - WHAT MATTERS: The latest in the LGBT rights movement

(This update is for members of the media and interested parties following the gay-rights movement.  It is produced by Equality Matters, a new campaign for full LGBT equality.)
INVESTIGATION REVEALS DEPTH OF CHICK-FIL-A'S ANTI-GAY TIES (via - "When two Missouri organizations, the Clayton Chamber of Commerce and FOCUS St. Louis, decided earlier this month to cancel a presentation by Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy over his company's controversial affiliations, they made the right decision. Although Cathy has unequivocally denied being anti-LGBT ... Equality Matters research proves just the opposite. In fact, the company has strong, deep ties to anti-gay organizations ...and its charitable division has provided more than $1.1 million to organizations that deliver anti-LGBT messages and promote egregious practices like reparative therapy that seek to 'free' people of being gay."
KEY EXCERPT - "The WinShape Foundation is Chick-fil-A's charitable arm, created by Chick-fil-A founder and chairman S. Truett Cathy in 1984... in 2008 alone, WinShape received $12,595,819 from Chick-fil-A Inc.” [WinShape 2008 Publicly Available IRS 990 Form via Foundation Center, accessed 2/8/11; Chick-fil-A, accessed 2/8/11]
BREAKING DOWN TOTAL WINSHAPE DONATIONS - $1.1M to anti-gay groups from 2003-2008, the last year for which public records are available:
--National Christian Foundation: $631,600
--Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000
--Serving Marriages, Inc.: $15,000
--Alliance Defense Fund: $5,000
--Christian Camp And Conference Association: $5,000
--Campus Crusade for Christ: $2,850
--Georgia Family Council: $2,000
--Family Research Council: $1,000
LA TIMES EDITORIAL ON RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE ACT - “…the Respect for Marriage Act faces resistance in Congress, which raises the issue of presidential leadership. President Obama attracted considerable attention when he decided not to defend the constitutionality of DOMA in federal court. He should bring the same passion for equality to the debate over the Respect for Marriage Act.”
NEW POLL CONFIRMS MAJORITY SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE - "A new Washington Post-ABC News poll has found that a majority (53-44%) of Americans support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, adding to an ever-growing list of polls that show America is moving unalterably towards full LGBT equality."
ALMOST HALF OF U.S. IS COVERED BY SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIP RECOGNITION - “Equality Matters crunched the numbers and found that approximately 42% of Americans live in states that provide some form of recognition for same-sex couples. Even more impressively, 30% of Americans live in states that provide gay and lesbian couples -- either through marriages, civil unions, or domestic partnerships -- the same (or close to the same) rights, privileges, and responsibilities provided to straight married couples.”
HALF OF TEA PARTY IN CONGRESS SUPPORTS INTRUSION INTO STATE MARRIAGE LAWS - By Equality Matters’ Carlos Maza: "Exactly half of the House Tea Party Caucus, which was formed in order to promote 'limited government' and 'fiscal responsibility,' has signed on to a bill demanding that the Obama administration spend thousands of taxpayer dollars defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a law that massively infringes on states' rights."
AWAITING ENDORSEMENT (via Metro Weekly) - By Chris Geidner: "Although Obama and administration officials often discuss their desire to stop anti-LGBT bullying, the White House has repeatedly declined to endorse the two bills with that aim."
FRANK: ENDA TO BE INTRODUCED “ANY DAY NOW” (via Wash Blade) - “Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Wednesday that he expects the Employment Non-Discrimination Act  to be introduced in the House “any day now” but he remains skeptical about its chances for passage in the 112th Congress.”
GILLIBRAND FIGHTING ADOPTION DISCRIMINATION (via Wash Blade) - “Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday said she plans to introduce legislation that would bar adoption discrimination against LGBT people, although she’s uncertain about when the bill will be made final.”
APPLE AND THE ANTI-GAY EXODUS APP - More than 100,000 activists from around the world have signed an online petition on, started by Truth Wins Out, asking Apple to drop the Exodus app.
EIGHT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT PAWLENTY’S ANTI-GAY RECORD (via Zack Ford) - Highlights: opposes same-sex unions; supports keeping “don’t ask”; regrets voting for non-discrimination laws -
GLAAD AWARD TO KERRY ELEVELD - "Kerry Eleveld, The Advocate's former Washington correspondent, won outstanding digital journalism article for her series 'View From Washington.'"  Eleveld left the Advocate in December to serve as editor of
GET EQUAL PROTESTERS IN COURT (via Metro Weekly) - "Assistant U.S. Attorney Angela George today faced significant questions about the federal prosecution of 13 people who protested at the White House in 2010 in opposition to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.'"
TIPPER TURNS OUT FOR GET EQUAL (via Wash Blade) - "Tipper Gore, wife of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, was among about 100 people who turned out Sunday night for a first year anniversary celebration and fundraiser in D.C. for the LGBT direct action group GetEqual."
FIGHTING FOR TRANS RIGHTS IN MARYLAND (via Wash Blade) - By Michael Key: "Activists from Trans Maryland and their allies held a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to demand that lawmakers reinstate language barring discrimination in public accommodations to the proposed Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Bill in Maryland."
DUSTIN LANCE BLACK EVENT NEXT WEEK IN DC - Equality Matters LGBT Community Speaker Series presents a conversation with Dustin Lance Black, Academy Award winner for MILK and Founding Board Member for the American Foundation for Equal Rights. The event takes place Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 18th & U Duplex Diner, 2004 18th St. NW, 7:00 p.m. cocktails, 8:00 p.m. dinner program; $20 suggested donation will benefit AFER.
SLDN TO BE AWARDED THURSDAY IN NYC (via LeGaL) - "The LeGaL Foundation is pleased to announce that its 2011 Community Vision Awards will be presented at LeGaL’s annual dinner on March 24th to Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and Professor Suzanne Goldberg of Columbia Law School."
"GOD AND GAYS" PANEL TOMORROW (via - An emotionally charged issue discussed by a religiously diverse panel of clergy, activists, and writers taking place Wednesday, March 23, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET
ANDREW HARMON TO REPORT FROM WHITE HOUSE (via NLGJA) - “The [Advocate] magazine announced that their senior editor Andrew Harmon is moving to Washington to take over the Washington beat. The news comes after last week’s announcement that Matthew Breen is taking over as editor-in-chief, replacing Jon Barrett who is headed to Entertainment Weekly to head their Los Angeles bureau.”
Trevor Thomas
Director of Programs
Equality Matters
