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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Charming Gay Son by Sandy and Richard Riccardi

Sheet music available--send us a message (

aka: I Hope I Have A Gay Son

Show directed and designed by Paul Gilger

enough of "tolerance and acceptance!" How about love, adoration and celebration?!!

Lyrics and music by Sandy Riccardi, arrangement by Richard Riccardi

No frilly or lacy sweet children for me
No Barbies or tu-tus or pearls
No pink aisle at Target
No Lillian, no Margaret
Alas, I have no little girls
My boys are quite handsome and rugged and smart
I guess they're alright, they're OK
But they're stinky, unruly and BOY can they fart
I hope one turns out to be gay!

I hope I have a gay son
Just one gay son
A son who lights the sky aflame
A son who'll keep me
In chatty company
And sit with me and watch Mame and Fame
I hope I have a gay son
Just one gay son
A peace-loving anti-gun son
I'd trade a straight son for a
"Hello Mom, Meet Nate!" son
Oh please can I have a gay son

Won't have to tell him to pull up his pants, or wash his socks and underwear
No daughter in law
Just a hottie named Lance
Guess we'll be headin' to Connecticut
for a weddin'!
I hope I have a gay son
Just one gay son
A son who's second to none
He'd be such a sweetie,
Would it be too greedy
to wish for a charming gay
(don't mean to be a nag)
To wish for a charming gay
(I'm joining PFLAG)
To wish for a charming gay
(call me a fag-hag)
To wish for a charming gay son?
