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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

URGENT: Help Stop LGBT murders in Brazil!

Tell Brazilian President Rousseff to support
the Anti-Homophobia Law

Sign the letter!
Dear friend,

We recently told you about Priscila Brandão, a trans woman in Brazil executed in cold blood on the streets of Belo Horizonte. (1) Now, the hate is spreading - and so is the violence.

Since we last wrote to you, a young gay man was attacked by skinheads in downtown Sao Paolo. (2) Then, another young man was bloodied to a pulp by his own uncle —just for being gay. (3) And to make matters worse, the only openly gay member of Parliament has started to receive death threats for speaking out against the violence. (4)

With attacks on the rise, and homophobic messages spiraling, we need the Brazilian president to speak out now and show leadership to stop the violence. Will you ask President Dilma to make a public declaration of support for Brazil’s historic Anti-Homophobia law before any more innocent lives are taken?  It only takes a moment but we need more people to speak out so our message won’t be ignored:

Fanatics and reactionary opponents of the Anti-Homophobia law have been peddling the message that the bill will “legalize pedophilia, bestiality and sadomasochism.” (5) This hateful rhetoric is largely used to cloud the fact that this bill would simply extend to LGBT Brazilians what many other Brazilians take for granted—equal rights under the law. (6) The good news is that public opinion is tilting in our favor: a recent poll by TV Globo, the country’s largest media network, found a majority of Brazilians favor the provisions of the bill, and the principles that it stands for. (7)

The brazen attacks on the street, and the death threats against Congressman Jean Wyllys, aren’t happening in a vacuum. Brazil has seen a dramatic spike in homophobic and transphobic attacks and murders in recent years—Young Priscila Brandão is only one of the latest victims of hundreds of LGBT people murdered in just the last year. (8)

When we reach 10,000 signatures, our partners in Brazil will present the petition to president Dilma after a massive march against homophobia—will you help us get there? If you haven’t already, please do sign the petition, and share with your friends and family now:

Thanks for standing with ALL Brazilians fighting for the right to live and love, without hate.

All best and All Out,
Andre, Jeremy, Joseph, Prerna, Tile, Wesley and the rest of the team at All Out

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.


1. A trans woman is killed by 9 shots on Afonso Pena Avenue (Portuguese),212936/travesti-e-morto-com-nove-tiros-na-afonso-pena.shtml

2. Young gay man is attacked by skinheads near Avenida Paulista (Portuguese)

3. Homophobia leads uncle to attack his nephew in western side of Sao Paolo (Portuguese)

4. For defending gay marriage, Jean Wyllys receives death threats (Portuguese),,OI5003192-EI6594,00.html

5. Magno Malta: “Anti-Homophobia law is like legalizing pedophilia and sadomasochism” (Portuguese)

6.PLC122 / Anti-Homophobia Law (Portuguese)

7. “Today’s Newspaper” promotes a debate about criminalization of homophobia (Portuguese)

8. Homophobic hate crimes spreading throughout Brazil
Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation
224 Centre St, 6th Fl
New York, NY 10013
