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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ricky Martin Is Hell's Ambassador

And you thought you were a shoo-in for the position, but Ricky Martin beat your evil ass to it. You better forward your resume to the ambassador's office in purgatory instead.
Over the weekend, Ricky Martin rocked out with his gay out in a major way at the opening of his Music, Soul and Sex world tour in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and not everybody was licking up the glitter that he was spreading. Wanda Colon Rolon, a religious crazy type who hates gays, gathered up her followers and protested in front of the venue where Ricky was performing. Wanda chanted that since all of Ricky's Puerto Rico shows are sold out, the entire island will be she banging with Satan in the underworld! Wanda then went wild in a Facebook rant that threatens all of us with a good time.
