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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Take Two for R.I. Marriage Equality

Energized by the support of newly sworn in Gov. Lincoln Chafee (pictured), gay rights advocates will reintroduce a bill in Rhode Island’s House Thursday to legalize marriage equality.

Rep. Arthur Handy said in an interview Wednesday he has already lined up 27 co-sponsors and was hopeful he could get more. He said he would reintroduce the bill on Thursday regardless of the number of supporters he had in his corner.

Openly gay House Speaker Gordon D. Fox is the bill’s other lead sponsor. He said he hopes the House will vote early in the session before budget concerns take priority.
Handy says the bill is identical to legislation he introduced last year.

Chafee declared his support for marriage equality while being sworn in on Tuesday.

“When marriage equality is the law in Rhode Island, we honor our forefathers who risked their lives and fortune in the pursuit of human equality,” Chafee said during his speech.


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