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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hi, from indiemcemopants

My real name is Scottie. I'm a 26 year old gay guy and I live in south Alabama. I'm in a wheelchair. Got paralyzed at fifteen years old from a surgery for scoliosis. I do a weekly column at FireDogLake Seminal's front page on LGBT issues and I write there and at DailyKos, my own blog and sometimes at Docudharma.


  1. these bios are getting shorter with each new one submitted! by the time Ed gets around to his we'll be down to two letters! Thanks indie, and congrats on all your new found success. We're proud of you!

  2. Hey man I already had to write a bio for FDL and I struggle with these so much. I got a headache (seriously) from trying to write bios.


  3. {{{indie}}}, Excedrin and a nap! hope you feel better soon!

  4. That's okay Scottie, your Diary gave me a headache, well, composing my lengthy reply which I fucked up a blockquote was actually the source of that.
    Still got a headache too, take care.
