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Friday, February 11, 2011

LGBT: We Can Play Cops

By David Mixner -

"Don't even move scumbag! Bite the dirt with hands out". Come on my friends, you can be an open member of the LGBT community and say that. 
There is no question that over the years the LGBT community has made great progress with the mass media. We have this season major characters on such shows as "Glee" and "Modern Family." Other shows have included the LGBT community in major roles as positive role models to the next generation. There is one striking omission and that the media doesn't believe we can be 'out cops' as a recurring role.
Think about it.
In the entire "CSI" franchise history not one member of the "teams" is openly gay? In all the various incarnations of "Law and Order" we never got a cop. The tough crew in "Criminal Minds" has nary an LGBT member on their team. Evidently there are no LGBT citizens in Hawaii according to "Hawaii Five-O." You would think a writer like "Castle" would make room for us. After all, we are great readers. My God, "The Mentalist" should understand how spiritual our community can be and put us in as a supportive sidekick. Take a gander at "The Closer," "Memphis Beat," "White Collar," "Harry's Law" and so many others and there are no major LGBT characters in a recurring role. Now "Southland" has a gay cop but his pill addiction far and away overshadows his dark and hidden sexuality.
Time to break down this barrier. LGBT characters know how to work in a forensics lab. We know how to be tough and break down a suspect. Count on us to run faster and draw quicker in pursuit of the bad criminals. Time for crime dramas to open up and include us on the 'team.'

for more from David visit Live from Hell's Kitchen.
