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Monday, February 7, 2011

Mass arrest of Bahrain gay party-goers

It appears Bahrainian police have arrested over 100 young men, mostly from Bahrain and Gulf countries, after a raid on a private party.

According to police sources some of the men were allegedly drunk, and others were described as wearing women’s clothing and make up. The police are now said to be checking if any have a history of “debauchery or sodomy."

The attorney of Bahrain's conservative Muharraq District has said the group, which may number as many as 130 men, was arrested on the charge of conduct against public morals and will be referred to the Bahrain General Attorney.

Bahrain has until now been known as relatively open minded and as the playground for the Gulf, with more relaxed attitudes to social and sexual matters than its neighbouring states.

Gulf Daily News reports that the party was held at Hidd Sports Club’s Al Rayan Hall near a very religious area. Some parts of Bahrain have been known until now as more relaxed in matters of sexuality.

Muharraq Municipal Councillor Ramzy Al Jalaleef seized on the arrests to call for tighter scrutiny of celebration halls, according to Gulf Daily News. He claimed the men had tricked the venue’s manager into believing they were holding a birthday party.

"They should be careful and investigate before allowing such events to happen and ruin the country's reputation," he said.
