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Monday, February 7, 2011

Victory Congressional Internship

The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute’s Victory Congressional Internship is developing the next generation of out public leaders. This summer we’ll bring five outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive summer leadership program, including:

  • An eight-week Congressional internship with a member of the LGBT Equality Caucus
  • A structured curriculum to learn about the legislative process and careers in the policy-making process
  • A community service project

The VCI program will prepare young LGBTQ people to become informed decision-makers and influential leaders who can change their communities and our world.
Following the summer program, students will apply their learning during the fall semester and, in December, will attend GLLI’s annual international conference for three days of training, skills building, networking and discussion alongside hundreds of openly LGBT leaders in government, politics, advocacy, business and community organizations.

2011 Program

  • March 7, 2011
    Applications and letters of recommendation due – apply now
  • March 25, 2011
    Participants selected, all applicants notified of selection status
  • June 3, 2011
    Participants arrive in DC, program begins
  • July 31, 2011
    Summer program ends, participants leave
  • Fall 2011
    Participants are encouraged to find an internship working with a local campaign, elected official’s office, or advocacy organization
  • December 1-4, 2011
    GLLI 2011 International Leadership Conference in Houston, Texas


  • $2,000 stipend to cover expenses in DC for the summer
  • Airfare or other transportation to and from Washington, DC, at the beginning and end of the program
  • Academic credit for the summer internship (depending on each participant’s college or university)
  • Airfare, hotel and conference fees for the GLLI 2011 International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference in December.


  • Work a minimum of 32 hours a week in a congressional office assignment for eight weeks
  • Participate in all GLLI-sponsored activities, including program orientation, weekly leadership development sessions, and program wrap-up
  • Participate in a community service project
  • Identify a focus area/question to guide your summer experience, and for which you will complete 2-3 short writing assignments during the course of the summer
  • Comply with GLLI policies regarding work performance and personal conduct


  • U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident or permit to work in the U.S. (Foreign students with F-1 visas are not eligible)
  • Currently enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program (note: students graduating in May/June 2011 are not eligible); applicants need not be pursuing majors in social sciences
  • Demonstrated interest in public service, governance, and policy-making process
  • Active participation in public and/or community service activities

To begin the application, click here. You will be asked for the following information and materials:

  • Contact Information
  • Academic Information
  • Demographic Information & Financial Need (optional)
  • Statements of Interest
    • Where do you see yourself in five years and how would the Victory Congressional Internship help you get there? (Maximum 750 words)
    • Talk about two policy issues of importance to you. (Maximum 500 words)
  • Resume – attached to your application
    Applicants should submit a one-page typed resume that is clean, accurate, and well laid-out. Resumes should include your best contact information and should summarize your academic experience, your work experience, and your honors, awards and activities. Keep in mind that this resume is used to help secure you an internship; we may share it with potential host Congressional offices.

In addition to submitting an application online, please obtain two letters of reference, including at least one from a professor or academic advisor from your academic institution. Ask your references to send their letters directly to Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format on letterhead is preferred, but is not required. All letters of reference must be received by March 7, 2011.

Selection Process

The Victory Congressional Internship is open to students of all genders, orientations, abilities, races, and political affiliations. We are actively searching for LGBTQ college students who will bring diverse perspectives to Capitol Hill, and who will also benefit from the opportunity, as determined by our selection committee. All applicants are submitted to, reviewed by, selected by and will be notified by GLLI. Participants are selected based on:

  • Solid scholastic achievement
  • Strong analytical and writing skills
  • Public / community service
  • Evidence of leadership skills and interest in the political process
  • Quality of application and, in some instances, interview performance

For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions or contact
