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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter 2011 conferences on sexuality/gender issues

By Nan Hunter -

Feb. 7 - Harvard Law Dean Martha Minow will deliver the annual Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture: "Gender and the Law Stories: Learning from Longstanding Debates" - New York City Bar Association,  6 pm.

Feb. 24 - A discussion of Same-Sex Marriage: Past, Present and Future will be co-sponsored by the Williams Institute and the UCLA History Department. Professors Nancy Cott and Lee Badgett, plus Perry co-counsel David Boies, will speak at the UCLA Faculty Center from 4 to 6 pm.

March 9 - Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review colloquium on Gay Rights and Lefts: Rights Critique and Distributive Analysis for Real Law Reform, a paper by Professor Libby Adler, with commentary by Professor Adrienne Davis and NCLR Legal Director Shannon Minter. Event will begin at 5 pm in Austin North.

March 18 - 19 -  Masking and Manipulating Vulnerability, sponsored by the Feminism and Legal Theory Project - Emory Law School. 

March 25 - 26The New "Illegitimacy": Revisiting Why Parentage Should Not Depend on Marriage - American University Law School, co-sponsored by the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

March 30 - Georgetown Journal of Gender and Law Symposium on Tax and Gender. Email  for more details.

April 1 -2 - Lambda at Harvard Law will sponsor a conference on Queering Age: Exploring the Lived Experiences of LGBT Youth and Elders.

April 8 - 9 - The Williams Institute Annual Update will feature a series of panels on the interrelationship between social science research and policy - UCLA Law School.

May 12- 13 -The Equality and Justice – LGBTI Rights in the XXI Century  Conference - to be held in Florence - will close the Equal Jus Project, a 18-month project co-funded by the European Union. The project builds on a common European legal system for developing an informal and open network among all actors involved in promoting, guaranteeing and enforcing LGBT rights with the purpose of sharing knowledge and expertise. Convenors are the Italian project partners University of Udine and Avvocatura per i diritti LGBT - Rete Lenford.
The conference will approach the legal dimension of fundamental rights and anti-discrimination law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity. The focus is on the European legal system (at the regional, national, EU and Council of Europe levels) and on relevant international and comparative law. For more information, including call for papers, visit: <> .


May 17 - The International Day Against Homophobia at the University of Nottingham. The conference is part of a series of events organised by Citizens in Diversity: A Four-Nation Study of Homophobia and Fundamental Rights, a research project funded by the European Commission.  

for more from Nan visit Hunter for Justice.
